Friday, July 17, 2009

Days Go By... Love this commercial

Absolutely obsessed with this commercial. Kind of strange seeing as I don't have any t.v. reception/service.

My favorite jungle track:

Great classic house track (just for you, Jen):

Running related stuff: on track to hit 60+ miles this week. Not bad all things considered. Got in some time on the Mesa Trail this morning after waking up at 3:45 am to cart my mom to the airport. It was a gorgeous morning, and my legs felt good! The climbing is getting easier, however, yesterday at Matthew-Winters was brutal (dehydrated, tired, etc). And it was damn hot. Enough with the bitching, I'm going to take a disco nap. Don't worry if you're unfamiliar with the term, I didn't know what a disco nap was until a few weeks ago.


Anonymous said...

mmmm disco nap

mnodurft said...

disco nap didn't happen, just laid in bed exhausted. damn! my body and brain simply will not allow me to take naps.