Friday, August 29, 2008

Why do I run trails? Because...

"To those men who are born for the mountains, the struggle can never end until their lives end. To them it holds the very quintessence of living - the fiery core, after the lesser parts have burned away."

- Elizabeth Knowlton

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


W- 10 miles (am) / 5 miles (pm)
Th- Rest
F- 15 miles (am) / 5.5 miles (afternoon) / 6.5 miles (pm)
S- 10 miles (am) / 6.25 miles (pm)
Su- 3 miles
M- 21 miles
T- 36 miles

Total = 118.25

Although I got some good long ones in this week, I never once stepped foot on a trail (all bike paths and roadways - bummer). However, the bulk of the training is done until Run Rabbit Run 50 and now it's just a matter of getting some quality in with a few days of mellow hills. For the majority of the time leading up to the race I'll be focusing on getting some homework done and clearing my To-Do List to prepare for my week-long absence from class . It seems that over the summer breaks I always forget just how much of a time commitment school is and it takes a good month or so to get back into the swing of things.

The last four months have provided a lot of good learning experiences as this was my first time venturing past the generally prescribed marathon training distances. I now know that I can handle the increased mileage if care is taken to gradually progress rather than push too far/hard to fast. There is such a strong desire to compare my training to that of the more experienced athletes instead of allowing for a more personal approach. I believe that after a recovery period of a month or two following the 24 Hours of Boulder I'll be ready to push a bit further and incorporate some quality sessions to begin preparing for my first 100 mile next year (not sure which one yet). In addition to a 100, I am itching to knock-out the Colorado Trail; a goal which may need to be re-evaluated and postponed until 2010. We'll see.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Good running tunes - Atmosphere (+Paul Simon)

If you're into hip-hop, and even if you're not, check this act out. Atmosphere, from Minneapolis, will light a fire under your ass if you're anything like me. The new album, When Life Gives You Lemons, Paint That Shit Gold, is great, but their older stuff might just be a little bit better. Google: You Can't Imagine How Much Fun We're Having, and, Lucy Ford.



Shoulda Known



Girl With The Tattoed Hands

PLUS+: My favorite Paul Simon running song (just give it shot)


W- 6 miles (am) / 4.5 miles (pm)
Th- Rest
F- 9 miles (am) / 21.5 miles (pm)
S- 13 miles
Su- 30 miles
M- 6 miles (am) / 5 miles (pm)
Tu- 5.25 miles (am) / 7.75 miles (pm)

Total = 108

Got some ok training in over the last 7 days by breaking up some of my mileage. I usually only like to run once a day, but since I've been back in class my schedule has needed to be a bit more flexible. Thursday was a change for me as well in that I usually run 15-25 miles but opted to rest since my body seemed to need a break, and it paid off with a solid long run on Sunday. For the next 7 day block I'll be trying to do my runs in the afternoons after school or in the mornings before work. I need some more recovery time darn it.

Tuesday is really what I'm looking forward to though; I'll be heading to Nederland to knock-out 40+ miles on the Sourdough Trail and its satellite trails. Last time I ran Sourdough I ended up taking an accidental head-under-water bath during a stream crossing (purposefully not using the bridges) and losing a water bottle. It should be a good time.

After this next week-long block the taper begins. The Run Rabbit Run 50 Mile is on 9.13.08 in Steamboat, giving me just over 3 more weeks to prepare. I'm really looking forward to seeing how the 50 mile distance treats me, and even more excited to spend a whole week in Steamboat and Oak Creek (tiny town nearby) with friends and Nora just relaxing and jogging around a bit. If anybody wants to head out to there on Monday afternoon before the race just get in touch and we'll cruise together. There's even a free roof to sleep under; I can't promise a bed, but at least it'll be warm and you'll have access to a bathroom. No work, no school, just the easy and straightforward job of last minute acclimatization (water and rest) - that's the life. And I may have a few PBR's, just a one or two, I swear. Pssst. I use the Jack as a pain killer, it's not a problem.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Neil Patrick Harris in: Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog

So this has nothing to do with running other than it's what I watched today while avoiding homework and my training run. I did eventually get both the h.w. and run completed.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


W- 12 miles
Th- 36 miles
F- 20 miles
S- 6 miles
Su- Rest
M- 15 miles (am) / 4 miles (pm)
T- 5.5 miles (am) / 7.5 miles (pm)

Total = 106

Had a fairly productive week of running with some relatively higher mileage days and minimal fatigue. The run to Boulder from Cherry Creek went well even if it was almost entirely on the black stuff, and spending only one day in the hills seems to have given my legs a much needed break from climbing/descending. I definitely am having some trouble today because it was the first day back in class for the fall semester. Not only did my alarm clock go off earlier than usual, but I also forgot to bring any money/CC to buy food on campus and ended up having only a 250 cal meal replacement drink in my pack to keep me going until 3 when I got home and grabbed some food before finishing training for the afternoon. I currently attend Metropolitan State College of Denver with Adult Fitness and Exercise Science as a declared major. The plan is to transfer to CU-Boulder to enroll in their Integrative Physiology program.

Being as I'm a bit brain dead from the early start and lack of nutrients I'll finish up by telling you about Nora's newly established running routine. She has started off slow, like any new runner should, and is starting to see some improvement. This is exciting for her as she used to have major knee issues in her younger years when she attempted to run. She's doing a combination of running and walking, and is beginning to find her breathing rhythm. Soon enough we'll be doing some training together, I can already see it! We even have matching La Sportiva Imogenes (accidentally).

Friday, August 8, 2008

Overtrained? Nah, can't be, right? (7.30.08-8.5.08)

W- 6 miles
Th- 20 miles
F- 9 miles (am) / 3 miles (pm)
S- 13 miles
Su- Rest
M- 2 miles
Tu- 20 miles

Total = 73

This week forced me to accept a hard fact of hard training; overtraining is a real danger. Sunday is my rest day every week and I woke up completely fatigued and depressed. My running for this block has been sub-par and difficult. It seems that I haven't allowed for enough recovery this year, especially following racing. After racing the HMI 50k (9th place finish, 5:23) I jumped right back to the high mileage runs and didn't listen to my body. So, I laid around feeling terrible on Sunday and tried to go out Monday for the scheduled run of 20 having to make the hard decision to stop almost as soon as I started. I've had to re-arrange my schedule to do my back-to-back this week. However, the two-day break seems to have paid off with yesterday's 36 miles to Boulder from my home in Cherry Creek going extremely well, and for the 20 on Tuesday not too shabby. I kept my breathing in check and paid close attention my fluid and calorie intake. Granted it was a bit slow, but I felt great. Could have gone for a few hours more. Today will see 20 @ Lair o' the Bear, a tame and totally cruiseable trail system.

On a different note, Sam had to abandon his CT speed-record attempt, bummer. From what I've read on his blog it seems that he and his crew made a wise yet difficult decision. Even if he didn't complete the goal, he did quite well. I'm impressed. Check out the details at

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Too damn hot

That's it, I've had it. Lately I've been doing my runs in the heat of the day and it has taken its toll. So, since I'm postponing my run until after work when it cools down, I'll introduce you to my little family. My girlfriend, Nora, and I have two great companions. The Kitty (TK) and Pasha. These guys are great pals and provide a lot of amusement around the house. Unfortunately, Pasha isn't too fond of running. I can get about 1 good mile out of him before he turns into an anchor. Next we have Beryl and her dog Enzo. Beryl, what can say? There's nothing but love there. We will be friends until the end. Then there's Tim (King of the Mud), our roommate. Tim is our other "dog". A loyal and caring friend. He's really a great guy, and that's why I've lived with him three different times as of now. The last shot is of my family last Christmas. My mother Caroline and step-father Mark are there, along with my brother Dax, his girlfriend Kelly, and my step-siblings Eric and Abby (Alan isn't in the shot). My father Doug, and his wife Pam, a wonderful woman, live in Iowa. Unfortunately, I don't have any digi photos of them that I can post. I love all of these people and am blessed to have them in my life. Hopefully they know that they mean the world to me; I think that they do.

I'll get a mileage log up for this week when I finish up on Tuesday (my 7 day training schedule is arranged Wed to Tues) with about 110 miles.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Go Sam!

North Face Endurance Team member, Sam Thompson, is nearing the end of his Colorado Trail speed-record attempt. Sam and his crew began at Waterton Canyon at 6:30 am on Friday, July 25th. The current record which was set just days ago by Paul Pomeroy running the trail opposite the direction of Sam's attempt is 8days, 12hours, 14mins. Paul and Sam crossed paths during Sam's second day and Paul has been commenting on Sam's blog wishing him luck. It seems such a shame that a nice guy like Paul is going to have his record broken within days of setting it if Sam and his team can pull this off. Oh well, that's the world we run in. To read more please visit and check out the blog which is being updated as much as is possible with the limited cell phone service along the CT. Oh, and thanks for checking out my blog and this first post which has nothing to do with my own running.