Friday, August 1, 2008

Go Sam!

North Face Endurance Team member, Sam Thompson, is nearing the end of his Colorado Trail speed-record attempt. Sam and his crew began at Waterton Canyon at 6:30 am on Friday, July 25th. The current record which was set just days ago by Paul Pomeroy running the trail opposite the direction of Sam's attempt is 8days, 12hours, 14mins. Paul and Sam crossed paths during Sam's second day and Paul has been commenting on Sam's blog wishing him luck. It seems such a shame that a nice guy like Paul is going to have his record broken within days of setting it if Sam and his team can pull this off. Oh well, that's the world we run in. To read more please visit and check out the blog which is being updated as much as is possible with the limited cell phone service along the CT. Oh, and thanks for checking out my blog and this first post which has nothing to do with my own running.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mike-O...How great is this? So much fun to read your musings and insights into this aspect of your life. You're amazing and I adore you. I look forward to reading more. Mama Michael

(for those of you not aware of this term, in Africa, where I have traveled and done missions, mother's are sometimes called by their first born's names, as a sign of respect to both. I just love it...and my son)