Saturday, August 2, 2008

Too damn hot

That's it, I've had it. Lately I've been doing my runs in the heat of the day and it has taken its toll. So, since I'm postponing my run until after work when it cools down, I'll introduce you to my little family. My girlfriend, Nora, and I have two great companions. The Kitty (TK) and Pasha. These guys are great pals and provide a lot of amusement around the house. Unfortunately, Pasha isn't too fond of running. I can get about 1 good mile out of him before he turns into an anchor. Next we have Beryl and her dog Enzo. Beryl, what can say? There's nothing but love there. We will be friends until the end. Then there's Tim (King of the Mud), our roommate. Tim is our other "dog". A loyal and caring friend. He's really a great guy, and that's why I've lived with him three different times as of now. The last shot is of my family last Christmas. My mother Caroline and step-father Mark are there, along with my brother Dax, his girlfriend Kelly, and my step-siblings Eric and Abby (Alan isn't in the shot). My father Doug, and his wife Pam, a wonderful woman, live in Iowa. Unfortunately, I don't have any digi photos of them that I can post. I love all of these people and am blessed to have them in my life. Hopefully they know that they mean the world to me; I think that they do.

I'll get a mileage log up for this week when I finish up on Tuesday (my 7 day training schedule is arranged Wed to Tues) with about 110 miles.

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