Monday, July 27, 2009

Re: Bend

Anyone out there in the world have an opinion to share on Bend or Portland? I plan on visiting to check it out. Not in a place to move for at least a year, but definitely looking to make a move to a location with good running and runners.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Thanks James

Got to Breck again this weekend to hit some of the CT that I haven't seen. Thanks James for driving me out there to get my head right. Headed west out of Tiger Run Resort towards Copper. I was planning on going all the way to Copper and back (28 miles), but as I crested the high-point at 12,500 (above tree line again - HELL YES!) the weather started to build. Since I was shirtless and with only two bottles and some iodine, I decided to turn around and finish the day's miles east-bound towards Kenosha Pass. All in all, an awesome day with good vertical (26+).

I stripped down bare and had myself a great dance session right next to this cairn!

Not only did the trail offer up some quality up, up, up!, but the wild flowers were gorgeous. I even came across some stunning Columbine at 12,500 nestled between the granite. I love this state! Kind of amazing that I'm seriously considering moving to Bend. Any advice?

So, the week of running: pretty damn good. Not sure of the mileage yet, but it's around 65-70. Considering I only ran 5 days this week, that ain't bad. Good climbing every day, and solid downhill. I've definitely noticed that my downhill has improved. Maybe because I'm focusing on form and fluidity. Maybe it's a product of my lay-off from training. Whatever the cause, I'll take it!

Now to redefine my spare time. I only got 2 hrs of sleep before the 26 gnarly miles in Breck, and then went to a show last night that had me out until 2:30am. It was a fun time though. The Motet played at Cervante's and covered MJ all night! I was pooped, and my dancing was really just head bobbing and swaying. Still worth it. All of this high-time living showed on today's tiny little 6.5 at Matthew-Winters with my friend Evan. Although we broke my all time record there, I was one hurtin' unit. Thanks for playing rabbit, Evan.

I'll leave you with one last shot of a friendly marmot that I named Corzo.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Above Tree Line

Good week, good miles. Knocked out a 81+ mile week. The longest run was today (22), and it went well. Decided to get above the trees for a minute by running the Kenosha Pass section of the CT. I made it to the top of Georgia Pass, plus a little hill scramble to get to 12,000 ft, when the lightning and thunder rolled in. That made my decision to turn around at 11 miles, instead of 15, much easier. I shouldn't be doing 30 mile runs yet anyways. I am a bit suprised at how my legs feel. They're kind of sore and sluggish, but seem to be handling training well. My ankle is also feeling ok. A bit tight, but nothing a little body work/stretching can't fix (yes Jen, I'm giving in). I don't believe that I've mentioned this in any previous posts, but I RARELY stretch. It's absolutely amazing that I performed as well as I did last year considering my terrible range of motion. All I can figure, is that my high activity level kept me relatively loose. That approach probably isn't going to work forever though. I'll need to incorporate some flexibility training into my schedule this year. Also toying with the idea of plyometrics to make rock-hopping easier. Might be time for guidance from an objective source. A coach...ugh.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Days Go By... Love this commercial

Absolutely obsessed with this commercial. Kind of strange seeing as I don't have any t.v. reception/service.

My favorite jungle track:

Great classic house track (just for you, Jen):

Running related stuff: on track to hit 60+ miles this week. Not bad all things considered. Got in some time on the Mesa Trail this morning after waking up at 3:45 am to cart my mom to the airport. It was a gorgeous morning, and my legs felt good! The climbing is getting easier, however, yesterday at Matthew-Winters was brutal (dehydrated, tired, etc). And it was damn hot. Enough with the bitching, I'm going to take a disco nap. Don't worry if you're unfamiliar with the term, I didn't know what a disco nap was until a few weeks ago.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Ahhh. Running for the joy of it.

Starting running again after quite the layoff, and the experience is both wonderful and frustrating. After gaining the level of fitness that I did last year, and now having to start from scratch, I am struggling a bit to just appreciate time on the trail/road. However, it is great to have learned from my mistakes last time around. I am talking about my jump in to ultrarunning. I wouldn't trade the miles from last year for anything, I definitely learned a lot about myself and my capabilities. The plan for this year is to build a solid base, and then hit the big miles throughout the winter and next spring/summer. I'm going to focus on getting one 100 under my belt, and maybe a few shorter races.

In addition to a focused and safe running schedule I will be climbing. Hell yes! After an amazing 4th of July weekend where I was introduced to climbing (thanks to Jen, David, Nicole, and others who's names I don't remember), I'm hooked. Going to join Denver's new bouldering club, and get out to some crags as much as I can. Time to fly!
This is not me, soon enough.