I've checked ebay and craigslist, but nobody seems to have a spare ankle to sell. Damn this ankle sprain! I guess this will force me to recover from a serious case of burnout, and actually get some core work in. I'll be back though, just you wait and see.
I'm in the same boat, but not a sprained ankle - just several pesty tweaks that won't go away. Wasn't planning on taking any long time off, but I haven't been running since Saturday.
it's hard to go from a regular routine to no running at all, ya know? i've been really struggling since run rabbit run 50, and now am just going to take it easy until this ankle thing mends. start fresh fr next year's big 100k and 100 mile attempts. i'll be in touch with you jeff about your racing and whether or not we'll be at the same events. might be nice to carpool.
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