Tuesday, November 18, 2008


M - 0
Tu- 10.25 (am) / 4.75 (pm)
W - 4.75 (am) / 4.25 (noon) / 4 (pm)
Th - 5 (am) / 2 (noon) / 6 (pm)
F- 0
S - 0
Su - 0

Total = 41

Apparently after running every day last week my legs are shot. I need at least one day off per week if not two. Not to mention I do better with one run per day, and it usually feels a lot better in the afternoon or evening. Like Jeff, I simply don't run well until my body and mind have had a significant amount of time to get going. This is a bit different on race day, but there is a shit load of adrenaline running through my veins (and usually a few cups of coffee) to get me stoked. I'll try to be more balanced and smart with this current week of training. I took Monday (11.17) off, so with four consecutive days in a row of rest I should be ready to start building back up to my customary distances.

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