Since I can't really run, and probably shouldn't, I've been hitting the couch pretty hard when I'm not at school or work. So instead of just laying here collecting dust (instead of dirt - DAMN IT!) and watching The Daily Show, House, and 24 online (no t.v.), I've put together a tentative racing schedule for next year. Drum roll please...
- Mohican 50k (Apr 19, this one's a big maybe)
- Miwok 100k (May 1-2, if it's not filled yet) OR Collegiate Peaks 25m or 50m (May 2)
- San Juan Solstice 50m(Jun 20)
- Cascade Crest 100m(Aug 29-30)
- Run Rabbit Run 50m (Sep ?, I'd like to break 9:30 here. This year's time was around 10:30)
Will have to try to work in a 100k somewhere; it's not necessary, but I'd like to race that distance. If I don't get a 100k in before the Cascade Crest, or whichever 100m I choose, it won't be a big deal. I'm comfortable skipping that milestone. If anyone has any suggestions of great races I should try, or wants to carpool to any of these, shoot me a message/comment. Keep in mind that I don't own a car, but would be providing funds for gas and help with driving duties (I do have a license). Cheers.
10 years ago
SJS 50 - I'd be up for crewing/pacing. If you really want in, you'd better be ready to register the day that it opens.
justin, thanks man. not sue if i'm going to want/need a pacer or crew, but i haven't put much thought into yet. you're quite a bit faster than me, and i just might be able to use your speed to push me through the tough parts. i'll be in touch.
SJS50 is easy - it's only the last 50 miles that are hard.
I was pretty wigged-out from this race's reputation, but it was for nothing. Sure it's tough, but don't let the rep fool you. It's still only 50 miles. If you go by effort, then it's no different. It's the weather you have to worry about.
But it's hard to think about next year when I can't run. It's been a whole week since I've run and I don't even feel like a runner anymore.
I've already signed up for Zane and Jemez. SJS50 opens Jan 15. Good luck. I anticipate the registration will fill in less than an hour, unless the servers crash.
First race is getting registered. The second race is on foot. I'm training my mouse finger.
I DNF'd at SJS 50 in 06. This would've been my 50 mile debut and I didn't train for the distance or the terrain. Mentally I wasn't ready to be out there for 10 hours. Not knowing what to do, I just went out with the leaders, who happened to be E. and K. Skaggs. I had no idea who they were. I got dropped a little less than 2 hours into the race, took a wrong turn that added a couple hundred feet of climbing on back up to the course, and then eventually just said the hell with it and caught a jeep back to down. I need to go back for some redemption, but I won't be able to put in the proper training to race it this year as my goals are a 2:35 marathon in May and then to be competitive at Pikes in Aug. Still, Lake City is very cool, San Juans are the best part of the state, so it'd be great to get back down there for some miles.
It was 07 I guess.
know how you feel jeff. i haven't really been running much at all, nothing for almost two weeks now. am i still a runner? i guess i'll find out today since i'll be commuting by foot to work (the ankle feels pretty good). i think that sjs will be a blast. i have no intent of racing, just to put up a respectable time and get ready for some late summer or fall 100.
justin, i don't anticipate having the same problems you did. i will NOT be in th lead pack at any point and simply want to enjoy the run. if you decide to go, let me know. and i'll be sure to get in touch if i would like some pacing/crew company.
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