My ankle has healed up to the point where I can run again - thank god. It is still stiff, but no debilitating pain. I was starting to seriously slip into a nasty depression/funk brought on by a lack of movement. The cycling just didn't fill that need for some reason. Of course biking through the city doesn't provide the same feeling as the exertion and joy brought on by pounding out the miles.
I'm going to start putting something of a race schedule, and hopefully that will include an attempt at 100 miles. I'd like to hit Greenland 50k and Run Rabbit Run 50 mile again this year to see if I can better my times. Outside of those 3 events I may look at a 100k or even Death Race 125k in the Canadian Rockies. Who knows, it is possible that with school being a bit more involved this semester that I may not get the necessary training in - studying is my priority.
As the mileage begins to push past 80/wk and I get some good trail time in (photos to come), I'll begin to post that mileage breakdown. Not that anyone out there probably cares too much, but it does keep me motivated.